The leaves are falling, and temperatures are dropping. This can mean only one thing—it’s time for Fall School Spirit events at Harrisville Central School! Several events are planned this month to help bring students, their families and their community closer together.
Grandparent/Grandfriend Breakfast – Oct. 25 & 26
Attention all grandparents and grandfriends of our elementary-aged students! You’re invited to our Grandparent/Grandfriend Breakfast. Enjoy a full breakfast with students at school.
- Wednesday, Oct. 25: Grades pre-K-1
- Thursday, Oct. 26: Grades 2-4
Meals will be served from 8:30-8:45 a.m. each day. Students will return to their assigned classroom at approximately 9:15 a.m. Students may invite up to four grandparents and/or grandfriends.
Grandparent/Grandfriend Breakfast sign up forms will be sent home. Please return completed forms to your child’s teacher by Monday, Oct. 16. If parents/guardians have more than one child in pre-K-4, they may indicate which day they will attend and teachers will send them to the cafeteria on that selected day.
Pink Out Day – Oct. 27
Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness

Students and staff are encouraged to help us spread awareness about Breast Cancer during Pink Out Day on Friday, Oct. 27. All students and staff are encouraged to wear pink that day. Classrooms will be decked out in pink, too!
Halloween – Oct. 31

Our elementary students will celebrate the spookiest day of the year with a wagon ride and delicious donuts and cider from Burrville Cider Mill.
The Elementary Halloween Parade is expected to begin at 1 p.m. outdoors (inside the big gym if it rains). Elementary students are encouraged to dress up in their favorite school-appropriate Halloween costumes (no weapons, please). More details to follow!
Families with questions may contact the Elementary Main Office at 315-543-2707 ext. 5 or the Middle/High School Main Office at 315-543-2707 ext. 6.