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It is the belief of Harrisville Central School District that in order for students to achieve their fullest potential, they must regularly attend school in order to take advantage of the information and interaction with their teachers and peers. Each student’s presence or absence is recorded daily electronically in a register of student attendance during each instructional period. Any absence from the school day shall be recorded in the register as excused or unexcused. In addition, any student’s late arrival or early dismissal from school shall be registered accordingly.

All students are required to attend school according to the district. Under New York State Law, every individual between the ages of six and sixteen must be in regular attendance in school unless he/she has a legal reason for absence. Individuals must attend school until the end of the school year after the individual’s sixteenth birthday.

Legally Excused Absences

  • Illness (including quarantine), health treatment, or attendance at a clinic with provided doctor’s note
  • Religious observance/instruction
  • Required court appearance
  • Sickness or death in the family
  • Military obligation
  • Disciplinary detention of an incarcerated youth
  • Driver’s test
  • School suspension
  • Approved cooperative work program
  • College/Vocational Visit

Unexcused Absences

  • Note from parent/guardian stating student was ill
  • Student Skip Day
  • Family vacations
  • Traveling
  • Shopping/hair appointment
  • Babysitting
  • Missing the bus
  • Needed at home
  • Working
  • Hunting/fishing
  • Cold weather

Students who have an unexcused absence, late arrival or early departure from scheduled instructional classes will be subject to a series of incremental interventions which may include, but not limited to, counseling, loss of privileges, detention or suspension.

Consequences of Unexcused Absences

Harrisville Central School District believes there is a critical correlation between class attendance and school performance. Subsequently, it is the expectation of the district that students must be in attendance to ensure student success. If a student’s attendance becomes a concern for a year-long course, the follow actions will be taken by the district:

  • Five (5) unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures
    • The parent/guardian will be notified by mail to remind them of the attendance policy.
  • Ten (10) unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures
    • The parent/guardian will be notified by mail to remind them of the attendance policy, a discipline referral will be written and an administrative consequence issued.
  • Twelve (12) unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures
    • A discipline referral will be written, an administrative consequence issued and a parent/guardian meeting scheduled/held in order to develop intervention strategies to rectify the attendance problem.
  • Fifteen (15) unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures
    • A discipline referral will be written, an administrative consequence issued and a home visit conducted by school administration and the School Resource Officer (SRO).

attendance Office

Elementary School Office
Phone: 315-543-2707 Ext. 5

Middle & High School Office
Phone: 315-543-2707 Ext. 6

Students may not exceed nine unexcused absences for a semester course or eighteen unexcused absences for a year-long course. Should these limits be exceeded, a meeting with the parent/guardian, student, counselor and administration will be held to evaluate the situation and course credit may be denied.

If and when a student is in jeopardy of being denied course credit or promotion due to their poor attendance record, parent/guardian will be notified by administration. Before credit/promotion is denied, the student and parent/guardian have the right to appeal. The parent/guardian must ask for an appeal in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools office within 10 business days of notification.

A student who is absent from school will not be permitted to participate in or attend any school function on the day of absence without prior approval and written permission from the principal.

If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she must report to the nurse’s office. If they missed an assigned class or study hall due to illness, it will be considered an unexcused absence from class unless they have reported to the school nurse, an illness determined and the student has been excused from the nurse.

Protocol for Absences, Late Arrivals and Early Dismissal

  • Students should present a note from his parents/guardians to the Guidance Office at the start of the school day in the following instances:
    • Immediately upon return from school following an absence
    • If a student is to be excused early.
    • If a student arrives late.
  • Students should sign in with the Guidance Office whenever arriving late or returning to school late.
  • Students should always sign out with the Guidance Office before leaving early from school.
  • Notes should detail the reason for absence, late arrival, or early dismissal and should be legibly signed by a parent or guardian.

Following an Absence

  • Students are responsible for any work missed during an absence and should be proactive in obtaining and completing it.
  • Students should check with each of their teachers concerning missed schoolwork that can be made up.
  • Students who are absent for more than two school days may request homework assignments through the Guidance Office. Parents can make such arrangements for missed assignments by calling the Guidance Office.
  • Students are expected to complete missing assignments after the student returns from an absence in a timely manner. For each absence, students will receive two days to make up the work they missed.

Perfect Attendance

Students will be awarded a Perfect Attendance Certificate only if they have attended school daily for the full year with no absences, tardies or excusals.

Truancy and Tardiness

Students are expected to be on time to their assigned locations throughout the day. Late arrivals to (or absence from) any class period will be excused only by a written pass or written/verbal confirmation by school personnel concerning reason for tardiness.

Student absence without the knowledge and consent of the parent is considered truancy.

Tardiness, whether the fault of the child or the parent, cannot be excused except for the reasons cited in Board of Education policy. A note explaining the cause of lateness is required. Since excessive tardiness and absences are not conducive to good work habits or learning, students should make every effort to be in school every day and on time.

Students who are tardy from school past 8:45 a.m. will need to provide a legal written excuse in order to participate in after-school activities including practices and/or games.

Student Dismissal Precautions & Regulations

In order to ensure student safety, NO student may be released to the custody of any individual who is not the parent or guardian of the student, unless the individual’s name appears upon the list maintained by the Building Principal and District Office.

Parents or guardians may submit a list of individuals authorized to obtain the release of their children from school at the time of the child’s enrollment.

Parents may amend the list at any time, but should provide changes in writing with any certified copies of any court orders or divorce decrees that restrict a parent/guardian’s ability to seek the release of the student.

Medical releases are handled through the Nurse’s Office. All other reasons for release must be submitted to the Guidance Office. The person seeking the student’s release must sign the register in the main office.